In the context of the project SILKNOW (, Mareike Dorozynski M.Sc. and apl. Prof. Franz Rottensteiner from the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation at LUH worked on methods for classifying images of silk fabrics and for image retrieval from databases based on artificial intelligence. On the one hand, these methods served to complete the information available in the platform ADASilk ( about artefacts made of silk with the help of the results of image classification; on the other hand, image retrieval allowed to realise a function for image-based search in the database.
ADASilk, a major outcomes of SILKNOW, has been selected for inclusion in the Innovation Radar of the European Commission ( Besides the organisation EURECOM (Sophia Antipolis, France) and the Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia), LUH, represented by IP, is identified as one of the Key Innovators.